Developing an International Data Governance Framework to Accelerate Global Neuroscience Research
As neuroscience projects increase in scale and cross international borders, different ethical principles, national and international laws, regulations, and policies for data sharing must be considered. This creates a need for an international data governance framework to help researchers, institutions, and funders in navigating disparate policies. This symposium aims to bring together researchers, administrators and funders involved or interested in data gathering, sharing and utilization to exchange the challenges and opportunities in international data sharing and to discuss how to establish an international data governance framework.
Following a keynote talk by Dr. Karel Svoboda, the new director of Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics, flash talks on data sharing activities around the world and the reports by the
Data Standards and Sharing Working Group of the International Brain Initiative (
IBI) will be presented. There will be time for open discussion over drinks and snacks before conclusion for future directions.
This event is supported by the IBI,
Japan Brain/MINDS,
Brain/MINDS Beyond, and International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (
November 14, 2022 18:30 – 20:40 (PST)
Time Zones
Hilton San Diego Bayfront (Level 4, Sapphire 400 A+B)
floor map
Open to all with a limit to 100 attendees (onsite registration at the venue)
Your interest is valuable to the activities of the Data Standards and Sharing WG. If you are planning to attend the event, you are most welcome to leave your contact information in this
For any inquiry, feel free to contact at
Meeting Notes
Find the meeting notes of the symposium
18:30 – 18:35 Introduction to the International Brain Initiative (IBI) (video record)
Jan Bjaalie (EU Human Brain Project)
18:35 – 18:40 Introduction to the IBI Data standards and Sharing Working Group (WG) (audio, pdf)
Kenji Doya (Japan Brain/MINDS & Brain/MINDS Beyond)
OIST, Japan
18:40 – 19:05 Keynote Talk: Open science at the Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics (audio, pdf)
Karel Svoboda
Allen Institute, USA
Talk abstract: (Karel Svoboda, Saskia de Vries, David Feng) The Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics’ mission is to discover how the brain’s neurons produce our emotions, memories and actions. Answers will be in terms of neural activity in defined neuron types interacting across the whole brain and body. Our science requires rapid sharing of complex, multi-modal data (anatomy, neurophysiology, behavior), including metadata, with collaborators and the scientific community at large.
Open science should strive to remove barriers to entry so that scientists can focus on data-driven discovery (as opposed to moving and storing data, data formats, etc.). Our priorities are reproducibility, accessibility and fostering collaboration and inclusion. The approach is to bring scientists to living data analysis pipelines in the public cloud to facilitate reuse of the data. We discuss current points of friction of an all-cloud strategy, including the tension between
Libre (as in "free speech") and
Gratis (as in "free beer").
19:05 – 19:30 Flash talks: A showcase of brain initiative projects from around the world (audio)
Title: TBD
Tom Johnstone (Australian Brain Initiative / Swinburne Univ., Australia)
A call for distributed infrastructures (
video record)
JB Poline (Canadian Brain Research Strategy / McGill Univ., Canada)

open Metadata
Initiative for
Structures (
openMINDS) (
Lyuba Zehl (EU Human Brain Project / INM, Germany)
Data collection and sharing in Brain/MINDS Beyond human brain MRI project (
Saori Tanaka (Japan Brain/MINDS Beyond / ATR, Japan)
Data Standardization & Utilization in South Korea (
Ja Wook Koo (Korea Brain Initiative / KBRI)
The BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Data Ecosystem (
Michael Hawrylycz (USA NIH BRAIN Initiative /Allen Institute, USA) A US BRAIN Initiative distributed cloud computing platform
Franco Pestilli (NSF+NIH BRAIN Initiative/UT Austin, USA)
GNORDIC: A Global Neuroscience Open Data Challenge (
Maryann Martone (UCSD, USA)
19:30 – 20:00 Three task forces (TF) of the IBI Data Standards and Sharing WG (audio)
Data Governance TF: Toward a framework for international data governance (
Damian Eke
De Montfort Univ., UK
Franco Pestilli
UT Austin, USA
Matthew Brown
Wellcome Trust, UK
Data Catalog TF: Developing a dashboard to collect the projects and datasets supported by the various brain initiatives (
Sean Hill
CAMH, Canada
Swinburne Univ., Australia
Training TF: Building capacity to study neuroscience (
Sharon Crook
Arizona State Univ., USA
Tina Kokan
Innsbruck Medical Univ. of Austria
20:00 – 20:30 Open Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities in accelerating global neuroscience research
20:30 – 20:40 Closing Remarks and future directions
Maryann Martone