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  • Brain/MINDS Beyond expands to the international project for primate brain connectome

Brain/MINDS Beyond expands to the international project for primate brain connectome


 Hayashi group  (Research Group 2, Brain/MINDS Beyond) from RIKEN and international collaborators were awarded by the fund NIH BRAIN initiative for their research on primate brain connectome over the next five years.

 Hayashi Team Leader contributes to the project led by Ed Lein, Ph.D., Senior Investigator at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, a division of the Allen Institute, and Hongkui Zeng, Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Director of the Allen Institute for Brain Science. The project will map the cellular types using spatial transcriptomics and functional areas and networks using functional MRI to build detailed atlases of human and non-human primates.

Details are here:
NIH「Science News」
Allen Institute「NEWS」