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  • (Accomplished) Announcement of the IBI Data Meeting Tokyo 2020

(Accomplished) Announcement of the IBI Data Meeting Tokyo 2020


Japan Brain/MINDS and Brain/MINDS Beyond are hosting the International Brain Initiative (IBI) Data Standards and Sharing Roundtable in Tokyo, Japan.

Date: 2020/01/12-13

Place: Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo

Language: English

Participants: Invitations only

The International Brain Initiative, launched in 2017, brings together some of the world’s major brain research projects from the US, Europe, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and Australia.

For those new to the IBI, since December of 2017, following the Brains at the Dome conference and subsequent Declaration of Intent, seven large-scale nationally-sponsored neuroscience projects have united to form the IBI alliance. The Australian Brain Alliance, the Canadian Brain Research Strategy, the China Brain Project, the E.U. Human Brain Project (HBP), the Japan Brain/MINDS, the Korea Brain Initiative, and the U.S. BRAIN Initiative have committed to leveraging and aligning efforts to maximize efficiency and combined impact. In 2018, IBI Coordinating Body meetings were held in May in Daegu and Seoul, Korea, July in Geneva, Switzerland, and November in La Jolla, California. Through these meetings, the IBI produced the Vision and Aspirational Goals, an organizational structure and function summary, and a scoping framework for the established and emerging working groups.

The Data Sharing and Standards Working Group is a highly prioritized working group in the IBI. As the large-scale, nationally sponsored initiatives collect unprecedented amounts of data, there is a critical need to help ensure that the data are interoperable and there is an ability to search across datasets. The Data Standards and Sharing Roundtable in Tokyo will serve as an initial meeting to understand the data governance plans of different initiatives and the areas of common interest, and then to define the Working Group objectives, possible pilot projects, and roles and responsibilities of Working Group members. It is also critical that the activities of the Working Group are of added value and drawing in the expertise and consultation of existing efforts in the neuroinformatics space. One goal of this Working Group is to identify and concretely define a pilot project that fills an unmet, specific, key gap in data across the initiatives. 

Meeting pamphlet is here!

Pamphlet_IBI Data Standards and Sharing Roundtable 2020.pdf